What Is the Board of Examiners of Nursing Care Institution Administrators and Assisted Living Facility Managers?
Regulation exists to protect the public's health, safety and welfare. In the State of Arizona , statutes provide for the NCIA Board to handle the licensing and regulation for the Administrators and Managers of nursing care institutions and assisted living facilities.
The Board approves licenses and certificates, develops qualifications and standards, establishes fees, administers disciplinary proceedings, and conducts investigations of nursing care administrators and assisted living managers
Nursing care institutions provide care for people who need services on a continuing basis, but do not require hospital care or daily care of a physician. An assisted living facility is a residential care institution or adult foster care home that provides supervisory care services, personal care services or directed care services on a continuous basis. A nursing care institution is required to have a licensed administrator in order to operate. Similarly, an assisted living facility is required to have a certified manager in order to operate.

How Is the Board Made Up?
The Governor appoints the Eleven members of the NCIA Board for either two or three year terms. The Board employs staff to carry administrators, licensing and investigative functions of the agency. An assistant attorney general provides legal counsel to the Board and its staff.
View the list of Board members

Public Records
The Board's website maintains a directory of administrators and managers which is searchable on the Online Registry. If disciplinary was action taken by the Board that document can be viewed by clicking on the name. A person may obtain additional public records related to any licensee or certificate holder, including dismissed complaints and non-disciplinary actions and orders, by contacting the Board directly.