NCIA Board Quick Links:
Existing Licensees New Applications Submit a Complaint Licensee Verification
Business Applications & Renewals Manager Training Programs Caregiver Training Programs
Caregiver Certificate Verification
For upcoming Board Meeting notices, past meeting minutes and board meeting audio, please visit the Board Meeting Page
Access the Application Portal and choose "New user? Apply Now" Check your email for the next steps.
For information on the Manager Certificate review "How to Start a Manager Certificate Application"
For information on the Administrator License, review "How to Start an Administrator License Application"
Access the Licensee Portal
First time log-in? Use the email address on file with the Board to access your account and license information. Choose "Reset Password" if this is your first time logging in.
Access instructions for Renewals
Access instructions for Notice of Appointments
Access instructions for ordering a Duplicate Certificate
Access instructions for ordering a copy of your Original Certificate, if it was lost, stolen or destroyed - DO NOT use this option for a 2nd facility.
All service requests and license renewals, including Notice of Appointment and duplicate certificates, are made in your licensee portal.
Existing Training Programs and New Training Program Applications: Access the Business Portal .
To view Board Approved Training Programs Click Below:
Board-Approved Caregiver Training Programs
Board-Approved Manager Training Programs
LICENSEE LOOK-UP: Information is available, free of charge, on the Online Registry If you require a verification sent directly from the Board, you may submit and pay for a Document Request through your Licensee Portal.
Visit page 2 of Resources for the Public Records Request form.
COMPLAINTS: Complaints are filed in the Complaints Portal
Mission Statement
The mission of the Board is to protect the health, welfare, and safety of Arizona citizens who seek and use the services of nursing care institution administrators and assisted living facility managers.
The public notice and agenda for each meeting is posted on the Board Meetings page. Agendas, previous meeting minutes and draft minutes are posted to the same location.